
The Road To Becoming A Professional GT3 Racing driver

why i race:

It’s not just about me. It’s about inspiring others to dream big.

Becoming a racing driver isn’t just about fulfilling a childhood dream; it’s about living it fully so that I can inspire others to do the same. I want to show that no matter where you start or what challenges you face, your dreams are worth pursuing.

Professional Racing Team:

Nicky officially races with ResilienT racing team for the 2025 season.

As a business owner, making the right decisions is crucial. I’m here to help you gain clarity, confidence, and focus on what truly matters, driving impactful actions that move your business forward.

official 2025 sponsors

motorsports is a universal language

Imagine having a story exciting enough
that inspires others to dream big

This is why I race. To live boldly, to push limits, and to show the world that every dream is worth chasing.

There are two types of people; those who talk about change,
the other does it.

Nicky Lim is passionately pursuing his dream as a racing driver, striving for success on and off the track.

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